Just over a year ago I weighed 72kg, 156cm tall and small built and 39 years of age. I was so caught up in the day to day rat race slowly but surely you just forget to look after yourself and ….You let go.
family friend asked to come to a special meeting and after really listening I
decided, I truly needed to do something…… so I pulled myself towards myself and
did my first 12 week weight loss challenge. Within 4 weeks I dropped 2 kg’s,
lowered my body fat with 4% upped my hydration with 3%. My metabolic age (the
way your body converts nutrients into energy) came down from being one of a 40
year old to a 34 year old. I WAS SOLD!!!
was so inspired that I did my 2nd 12 week challenge! In total I lost
10 kg and 36 cm all round. Moved down from a 12 dress size and believe it or
not fit into a size 6 Jean today. Not to mention I have a metabolic age of a 12
year old!!!!
so healthy and energetic I decided to join a gym, for my energy levels really
improved by 200% and that is no lie!
the beginning of 2013 I have taken part in 3 body beauty competitions and will
never look back. I am proud of my accomplishments and strive to help as many
new prospects to experience the healthy active lifestyle that was introduced to
just over a year ago.
have had my shake today, Have YOU?